Friday, March 25, 2011


So were assigned to do the next activity in class, the application of css. At first, I thought it was really hard for lots of codes-again, pictures, boxes, different colors and all. Indeed, hardwork is the key to survive CMSC2.

I decided to make UPLB as my topic in this activity simply because this is the nearest topic I have in my hand.

FORMS ONLINE?? possible.

codes. codes. codes. codes. codes. my world is now revolving to you codes.

I just made an application form online, cool. But to tell you honestly, I was slightly difficult to create such form.  You need to apply lots of codes and if you made it correctly, TADAAA, the magic of coding, copy-pasting.

But I think, the form I made was slightly not perfect, sorry ma'am :)

HTML, you first tought me how to close everything :)

yeah, the title maybe looks very sentimental; but the truth is that I learned that anything can't function well if its not done correctly.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I had watched the championship game of volleyball, female students division. It was really cool to watched the said battle. It was like I was really in a pro game. Julla Timan from the College of Agriculture ended the game with her powerful spike.

Teamwork was their key for their success, Timan mentioned. Also, The Colleges of VetMed, HumE, and FNR gave their bests to win the game but unfortunately, the last year's defending champion still got the trophy. :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cloud err. Come again?

     To tell you honestly, when I heard about Cloud Computing from my CmSc2 lab instructor, I was kinda confused. I think it's not my first time to hear about that phrase but I honestly don't know what it means, until I watched the video my instructor assigned.

     Plugging in and Starting using it. This is the power of Cloud Computing. Very simple. Because this involves delivering hosted services over the internet, this makes the world easier.

       Cloud can be accessed all over the world.  Because of its convenience, one does not need too much money and effort. It's just one click away.

     Cloud Computing is an application made for consumers and as well as for the producers. By means of technology, both of them can communicate with each other without even having physical contact.

     So, sit back, relax and enjoy the benefits of Cloud Computing.